Let us chant Vedic holy hymns
Of Aditi, Indragni, Agni and Indra
Savitri, Usha, Pushan and Ashwins
Varuna, Marut, Mitra and Aditya
All thee divinities of nature
powers of nature defied into god
They guide our past, present and future
Du, shining space is their abode
We worship thee deities forever
May reveal us secret of perpetual motion
Bestow divine grace, don’t move thither
We pray thee forever with all passion
Let us meditate and break the Vedic code
Discern, how gods augment their power
Learn how gorgeous gods operate
govern the gigantic majestic order
OAgni wise dispersing ambassador
O Indra efficient gravity and Inertia actuator
O Ashwins, fastest light charioteer
O Surya, perpetual illuminator
Though thee one in essence
Seen by senses diverse in nature
Due to limited perception of sense
I fail to see mystery of space time curvature
Universe, One in essence alike
A Continuum of particle and energy
A Divine expression of Potential and kinetic
Order and disorder, their symmetry and synergy
Unified Universe is perpetual melody
Of expansion and contraction
Of Harmony and disharmony
Of rest and motion
Of particle, wave and frequency
Of Cause and effect
Of Contradictory and complementary
Of the whole and part
Of matter and radiation
Of life and death, dark and light
Of rest, Rhythm and pulsation
Of Finite and infinite
Of the content and the form.
Of matter, mind and consciousness
Of constraint and freedom
Universe Unified one in essence
Of the inner (inherent) and outer,
Of Plasma, gas, liquid and solid
Of Various forms of energy and matter
Of Dense and rare, hot and cold
Of balance and imbalance,
Of rational and emotional,
Of essence and appearance,
Of general and individual,
Of Physis, psche and sense
Of Gravity and inertia
They are unified, one in essence
Make no mistake in arcane area
The logical and sensory,
Objective and subjective, Dry and wet,
Relative and absolute are complementary
Simple and Abstruse, abstract and concrete
Behold Nature, its Unity and diversity
One essence set in perpetual motion
Move forever by its divinity
Create universe out of nothing by volition
Behold perpetual motion wheel of nature
Cyclical Creation, conservation and dissolution
All intelligent designs bear His signature
I see god everywhere, hardly need a mention
Extracts from Preface
The inquisitive human mind naturally yearns to understand the universe and
man’s place within it. The powers of nature have haunted human imagination since time immemorial. Talented men in every
land and civilization have tried to understand mystery of natural forces, adopt and use them for welfare of mankind. In order
to reveal the secrets of nature, Vedic seers also studied nature; they communed with nature and meditated on it. During moments of intense meditation, in a heightened state of consciousness, various truths about - how
‘creation’ came into existence and how the nature and its different forces work in harmony with each other- flashed
in their minds that inspired them to compose hymns of Rg Veda for the material and spiritual benefits of coming generations. It was during such privileged moments that the questions regarding the nature of universe,
purpose of life and God were answered. Einstein also believed that such transcendence is necessary in order to know the ultimate
reality. It is evident from his statement that he made near end of his life in an interview with Life Magazine: “ the
mind can proceed only so far upon what it knows and can prove. There comes a point where the mind takes a higher plane of
knowledge, but can never prove how it got there. All great discoveries have involved such a leap.” By digging deep into the nature that veils across the matter as well as consciousness, Vedic Rhisis sought
to discover the laws of matter, motion, space and time. These discoveries were
then wrapped in the form of hymns that became the essential part of the Vedas, the much true meanings of which lay buries
deep in Vedic symbolism. The Vedic religion is known to us through these hymns brought together in collections in Vedas containing
myth, symbols, intellectual expression, religious beliefs and practices of the Aryan peoples. Vedas, rich in myth and rituals
involving gods, sacrifice and heroic deeds, attempt to explain working of world by personification of natural forces into
different gods, then, by understanding their attributes, activities, functions and interrelationships they present us a harmonious
worldview. Later, Vedic religion tends towards monotheism and eventually, develops through a series of textual reinterpretations
through such works as the Upanishads and six systems of philosophy. Vedas constitutes original sources of our knowledge about
every aspect: religion, philosophy, cosmology, astronomy, and medicine. If Rhisis were not to reveal knowledge for our instruction,
it would become useless. By revealing knowledge in the shape of the Vedas for
the instructional purposes, they only rendered it useful for others. For centuries these hymns were passed on by word of mouth,
generation to generation, in a tradition of largely the ritualistic knowledge. It
is unfortunate that the original meaning of many hymns has been lost to human understanding due to the blurring caused by
the passage of time, and the confusion caused by numerous attempts to clarify it.
Science has erroneously rejected perpetual motion as a ridiculous and impossible
chimera of the ignorant, but it was a very active part of all Vedic philosophy and has found ample expression in Vedic literature.
Vedas are a way of life which combines philosophy, science and religion. They cover a very wide field, and require a great
deal of study and investigation. In attempts to understand the mystery of natural forces, their laws governing the cosmos,
energy and its behavior, though science has made significant progress, it appears that science is still operating on the surface
as it has failed to find definite answers to the ultimate questions of life and existence, it has failed to provide solutions
to many most crucial problems of life like energy crisis. Much of the knowledge
contained in Vedic hymns still need to be explored; if this can be achieved, then, science is sure to progress by leaps and
bounds. . Especially, science of perpetual motion still remains a mystery to most of us. Vedic gods are endowed with knowledge
and power of perpetual motion. They have capability to perpetually augment their power. They use perpetual motion driven vehicles
that were built by Rbhus – the Vedic inventors. These facts suggest that science and technology of perpetual motion
was well known to Vedic Rsis. In addition, descriptions of Swastika and Dirghatamas’ perpetual motion wheels in the
form of archaic texts suggest that perpetual motion was a secret science that has been lost in mist of time. Dirghatamas’
description of perpetual motion wheels run parallel to the description of the Sun and solar system that suggests that he conceived
picture of the world based on perpetual motion incorporating cyclical processes running in the universe. Rg Veda mentions
some unexplained phenomena which until now, had been regarded as legends, they need to be investigated in the light of new
knowledge of perpetual motion. So far scores of book have appeared on the subject of ‘Vedas and Sciences’ that
attempt to clarify hidden meaning of hymns and attempt to explain various sciences contained in them. Vedic descriptions sometimes agree, but often disagree with the modern theories of science, and offer knowledge
that science has yet to learn. In Vedas, we have many revelations, especially, about properties of natural forces and their
laws that clearly contradict many accepted scientific principles. But authors have tried to substantiate religious beliefs
by resemblance with prevailing scientific principles which is dangerous approach. The general tendency of the authors that
can observed in writings of their books is that they have tried to prove truths of Vedas by drawing parallels between knowledge
of Vedas and principles of science that they have chosen to agree with each other but under the influence of reining laws
of science, they often leave out the knowledge that is in disagreement with science. Moreover, it is always after the fact
that these semblances are found. It has never been found before the scientific discovery. Looking to the fact that science
is in a state of flux, its laws and theories are subject to revision in the light of discovery of new facts, any attempt to
prove Vedas by drawing parallels with reining laws and theories of science is a dangerous attempt that also raises the question
on the very integrity of the authors and about their own faith in the eternal truths of Vedas. If the faith is really strong
in the mind of these authors, then searching out and announcing the supposed
similarities between revelations and science is not needed to strengthen the faith. A strong faith does not and should not
require a support from science, public affirmation or sanction. It is ironical that these zealous authors misguided by popularity
and influence of science need to reinforce their faith in Vedas by searching similarities with scientific principles. Big Bang is already under fire. What if a better scientific theory than Big Bang is
found tomorrow? Should the verses be changed to have room for the new scientific view? There are always implicit dangers involved
in this wrong approach. First, as I said before the results of science are of
their very nature provisional—and in cosmology even more so than in other physical disciplines because of the high degree
of speculation and extrapolation always present in cosmological theories. Contrary to this approach, the present work based
on concrete facts is an exception in this regard as it attempts to largely explore an alternative science in Vedas that challenge
some of the reining great laws and theories of science and expose their falsity in the light of eternal knowledge of Vedas
and newly discovered facts of nature like perpetual motion which is in agreement with Vedas. I have shown that the verses
of Vedas throw ample light on many unanswered questions in science about the basic understanding of the universe. This approach
will silent those skeptics who generally argue that Vedic scholars fail to discover any thing new or different than what science
has already discovered, it is only after the discovery of those facts by
science that Vedic scholars are initiated into a enquiry to find out scientific meaning
in Vedas.
Rg Veda is basically sublime poetry on the grand display of Nature that portrays
a large number of powers of nature personified into gods by Vedic Rhisis. In the present book, an attempt has been made to
show that dynamics of Vedic system of gods is parallel to the system of natural forces that constitutes and governs the cosmology
of the universe. Some gods are fundamental and superior to others. Understanding
of Vedas and its gods which are basically personification of natural forces definitely requires some preparations and qualifications
by the student of Vedas. One popular belief is that one can understand and approach these gods only by adopting spiritual methods or through the “proper channels”,
through an intermediary, who alone has the connections or qualifications necessary for direct access; who alone knows the
ways of the gods. Performances of Yagna by priests on various religious occasions and worship of yantras under the guidance
of a guru in Indian tradition is testimony to this fact. However, notwithstanding the impression conveyed by this popular
belief, I believe that from the plain characteristics of God’s, their attributes, personalities, activities and interrelationship
as portrayed in Vedic hymns, we can get valuable insights and knowledge about the basic nature of natural forces, how do they
develop cosmos, how do they work in harmony to create perpetual motion and what are the laws of perpetual motion propelling
the universe. From the study of Vedic hymns we can also learn which force is most suitable for performing our mechanical works and what are the principal tenets of the
‘creation science’ from a mechanical point of view so that those principles
can be translated into various kinds of the real inventions for the progress of technology. While studying Vedic hymns,
intelligent reader has no difficulty in understanding the basic characteristics
of natural forces and thereby general aspects of perpetual motion because verses especially related to personality of gods are composed in a more or less plain language which retains objectivity through ‘arrested personification’ of natural forces. However, the deeper aspects of the knowledge are supplied in coded form as it was
thought by Vedic seers that such knowledge might be misused by profane. Undoubtedly, perpetual motion is one of the top secrets
of nature, the knowledge of which enables us to create ‘something from nothing’ thus violating the law of conservation
of energy, most incredible if not seen. Science that erroneously rejects perpetual motion and glorifies law of conservation
of energy has yet to recognize the truth of perpetual motion. In addition to plain hymns, in Rg Veda we have numerous hymns
and verses about the secrets of perpetual motion composed in an unusual language decoding of which will quickly help provide
a look into the deeper levels of wisdom and eventually, impart us understanding of the science of perpetual motion; such verses
are available, especially in the astronomical and cosmological hymns of Vedas composed by Dirghatamas. The Vedic hymns reveal
a great wealth of knowledge with precise explanations of perpetual motion that can powerfully guide the scientific progress
of the energy and power engineering in the present times of energy crisis. It should be noted that the verses of Dirghatamas
dealing with his Celestial perpetual motion wheels are not easy to follow as the symbols of the Vedic period were very different
from the familiar symbols of technology and communication that dominate the modern world. Any effort to benefit from these
ancient guides requires the reader to make a determined step into the symbolisms of a time vastly different from today.
Vedas also have many additional resources for our material and spiritual development
but purposely, I have not gone deep into the spiritual aspects of Vedas as main aim of the present book is to reveal much
forgotten science of perpetual motion in Vedas that guides us to build perpetual motion machines capable of doing mechanical
work without continual inputs and loss of any force in the universe. Ordered and ceaseless motion of planets around the Sun
in universe as sung by the Dirghatamas in his Asya Vamasaya hymn containing 52 verses is enough proof of existence of perpetual
motion. From the understanding of these verses one can move to the understanding of accurate laws of celestial mechanics and the design of the solar system which in
turn guides one to construct a much sought after gravity perpetual motion machine which is also popularly called as over-balancing
wheel. For those who have been baffled with construction of perpetual
motion, breaking the codes of Orffyreus and concluded in ignorance that perpetual motion is impossible or lost hope to obtain
perpetual motion should read perpetual motion in Vedas. It will inspire them to carry out their mission with a new rigor,
it will make one realize why hymns of Rig Veda are distilled truths that has withstood the rigors of time and epoch, and after
all that which is and is truth cannot be subject or object of human thought that fluctuates temporally or spatially.
Now, with this work, one of the first to ever elaborate on the Vedic version
of the perpetual motion and universal ‘Science of Creation’, we can get an understanding of how this universe
appears and grows, how natural forces keep the universe in a state of perpetual motion, what is its real purpose, what is
the ultimate worldview provided by Vedas and how does it differ from the worldview that emerge from the fundamental principle
and theories of science that are in big error on energy and perpetual motion. The
present work is the first volume of an extensive project by me in order to provide an exhaustive understanding of ‘Energy
Creation’ in Vedas and the various aspects of perpetual motion. To the best of my abilities, I have tried to represent
authentically the Rg Vedic thoughts and insights in dealing with numerous questions regarding perpetual motion, its origin
and foundations. The book attempts to discuss not only the issues concerning the perpetual motion in Vedas, but also makes
a conscious effort to relate those insights to the contemporary age and its ethos, especially, the energy crisis which I consider,
is largely due to our own ignorance about the creative nature of natural forces and their working and our over reliance on
the laws of thermodynamics which erroneously rejects creation of free energy by perpetual motion. I have attempted to introduce
the readers to the teachings of Vedas on these various topics of perpetual motion.
I owe a debt of gratitude to His Divine Grace Deva Ramananda for his help in
showing me the origins and foundations of perpetual motion in Vedas. While writing this book, I have largely borrowed from
his works and can’t thank him enough for providing me guidance for understanding the perpetual motion and its profundity
in Vedic thought. He was convinced that more lay beneath these ancient allegorical hymns that need to be explored to correct
science and its fundamental laws. It is a great matter of delight for me to announce that with the light of his strenuous
‘Sadhana’ he has been able to decode some of the rare codes pertaining to the nature of heat, force of gravity
and electro-magnetism, the practical knowledge of which can revolutionize and transform the world. Ramananda has left great
works that needs to be published for the service of humanity. His ‘Secret Doctrine of Perpetual Motion in Vedas’
if it can be called, presents not only all the major points of perpetual motion philosophy but also its practice in a clear
way. Very often, I consulted him before writing various chapter of the present book in which readers will also find an explanation
of what the Vedas are, how they were compiled, and how they have influenced and shaped my perpetual thoughts for many years.
Many have been perplexed by the symbolism of Vedas when they read past commentaries
or translations. No one has been able to reveal the science of perpetual motion hidden in Vedas in a systematic manner. Ramananda
breaks new ground in interpreting the perpetual motion in ancient Vedas and showing falsity of law of conservation of energy
and broadly the classical thermodynamics. His anti thermodynamics, a consequence of his deeper insights into perpetual motion,
developed from my own efforts to build perpetual motion machines and moreover,
from the difficulties that I encountered in my quest of perpetual motion over
the years. Ever since I engaged in building a perpetual motion machine, besides Orffyreus, he has been my sole guide, friend,
philosopher and master. I recall, once, he rightly suggested me to start building a gravity perpetual motion machine with
basic design of a Swastika shown here in figure. Considering the mystical nature of the hymns in Vedas, his observations on
the subject of perpetual motion show him to have possessed a great scientific and analytical mind. He found vivid allegorical
descriptions in the Vedas, the proper understanding of which provide a right path to the understanding and construction of
perpetual motion. Of all those who wrote or thought extensively on the subject of Vedas and science, I regard what he had
to say as being the most noteworthy of reproduction. The book contains the hidden meaning of the hymns in Rig Veda revealed
by him to which numerous translations and commentary have also been added. With a clear sense brought by this, an attempt
has been made to construct a mechanical view of the world based on perpetual motion which is in flagrant contradiction with
thermodynamics. With guidance from Ramananda, I have tried to explain the complexities of the infinite and incomprehensible
subject in easy and attractive words. My gratitude to Ramananda is deepened by the circumstance that I owe to him my first
interest in philosophical studies. I should be proud to think that he may recognize in these pages some trace of his own influence,
as well as of that of his master, Swami Ram Dulare who explored heights of Himalayas on his bicycle.
Isn’t perpetual motion one of the greatest secrets of nature? Indeed,
it is, because in search of perpetual motion thousands of inventors have devoted their time and energy; and thousands of designs
have been suggested. Unfortunately, science has nothing useful to offer on perpetual motion that can inspire inventors to
design a real perpetual motion machine. Perpetual motion is a noble idea and an old problem but abandoned and buried by ignorant
scientists. By establishing stringent laws against it, They have put every hurdle in realization of the truth, but in spite
of resistance from science, perpetual motion still thrives today. The idea of perpetual motion is ages old but the quest has
been fresh and attractive forever, and year after year in fresh succession it continues to appeal enthusiastic inventors,
as it is evident from the records of the patent offices all over the world. Albert Einstein once said: “To raise new
questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance
in science.” If you want to understand such things as: the science of the
perpetual motion, the characteristics of natural forces that constitutes it,
their interrelationship and relation to man; their modes of propagation, the
scientific evidence that indicates existence of perpetual motion in universe, how to know which is the most suitable force
to obtain perpetual motion, how to turn natural forces conducive to yourself to attain the highest happiness and freedom from
the cause of suffering; the real unity between the natural forces; progressive evolution of natural forces and where you are
really going in life, Ramananda’s work on Vedic perpetual motion reproduced in
this book presents a correct interpretation of the Veda that moves far away from
the colonial discourse of the 19th century European scholars of the Vedas. To miss reading Ramananda on perpetual motion is
just to miss the bliss of life.
To sum up, the book attempts to explore physical principles of force, energy
and motion in Vedas and to compare Vedic science of heat (Vedic thermodynamics) with classical thermodynamics with special
emphasis on principle of perpetual motion. The main purpose of my work is to offer simple yet accurate ways and explanations
to comprehend the lofty insights found in Vedic hymns about the true physical laws of nature, that constitutes the foundations
of cosmology and astronomy in Vedas which in turn are based on the laws of perpetual motion, knowledge of which has much to
offer humanity by solving the problem of perpetual motion. So far my intention seems to be working. As time goes on, more
and more evidence will accumulate to show the truth of perpetual motion. As the evidence mounts, the old theories will slip
away and anyone still clinging to laws such as law of conservation of energy will only look foolish. It is taking some time
to reveal this truth, but out of all the cultures of the world, it is Veda that has best withstood the tests of time and remains
the oldest doctrines in the world that can be relied. Now is the time for those of us connected with, or who appreciate Vedas
to gear up research, reveal the true and advanced theories, which are already there in Vedas
before the credits of its wonders are attempted to be taken by outsiders.
Last but not least, scientific progress lacking spirituality is like body without
soul – the form of science we see today which has basis in Greek materialistic philosophy. It leads to a society with
all the attributes of self-destruction: greed, self-centeredness, narrow-mindedness and blown up egos. Today we have lost
freedom and become slaves of the gadgets and scientific infrastructure we have erected for our service at soaring cost. What
humanity needs is a humane and progressive culture on earth, where spiritualism and scientific development go hand in hand
i.e. a culture based on the principles of perpetual motion, harmony and synergy, and with a desire to grow, and to move forward just from nothing. Do we have any precedence
for such a culture, such a society? That’s where Vedic philosophy of energy and perpetual motion comes into picture. I hope Perpetual motion should tend to bring about a reaction in favor of a system
of philosophy which will link both Spirit and matter, and demonstrate the essential unity of the scientific and religious
idea. The two are at present somewhat divorced, and we are only just beginning to grope our intellectual way out of the depths
of a materialistic interpretation. It is, indeed, the conviction of the author
that with rediscovery of perpetual motion, the present hour is the fullest of hope for humanity which the world has cherished
for long ages. Not the least element of that hope is the prospect of a union between the science and religion for the uplifting
of mankind. For these two, in their highest expressions, are not estranged when bridged by perpetual motion. With rediscovery
of perpetual motion, religion and science will approach each other at a faster rate than before; and finally, their union
is the dawn of a better age.
Ramesh Menaria
Derashree Shiksak Sadan,
Rajasthan University Campus
Jaipur, India