i Preface
ii Acknowledgemnts
1 Present Day Perpetual Motion
2 Why Do They Ridicule “Perpetual Motion”?
2.1 Authors and their Books Against Perpetual Motion
2.2 John Phin
2.3 Martin Gardner
2.4 Daniel Herring
2.5 Irving Adler
2.6 Robert L. Park
2.7 JSTOR Journal
3 Their False Pride & Folly of Appeal to Authorities
3.1 False Pride
3.2 Appeal to Authority
3.3 Appeal to Expert
4 Heroes or Rascals of Science?
Their Ignorance
of Perpetual Motion as Shown by their Ideas, Opinions, and Experiments
4.1 Dangers of Rascal Being Wise
4.2 Perpetual Motion Now Has no Appeal to Scientist
4.3 Stevenus of Brugs Disproves Perpetual Motion
4.4 Leonardo da Vinci Suggests Perpetual Motion Inventor to Go to Alchemist- the Gold Seekers
4.5 Galileo (1564-1642) Pendulum Does not Rise Higher from The Point of its Descent, thus, he Falsely
Argued Perpetual motion is Impossible
4.6 William Gilbert (1544-1603) Considers Efforts To Build A Magnetic Perpetual Motion As “Fictitious,
Crazy, Deformed Labours”
4.7 John Bernoulli Believed In Conservation Of Vis Viva.
4.8 De La Hire Gave The First Proof Of Impossibility Of Perpetual Motion
4.9 Christian Huygens (1629-1695)
4.10 Jacques Ozanam (1640-1717)
4.11 Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
4.12 Roget
4.13 Nicholas Leonardo Sadi Carnot (1796-1832)
4.14 Williams Thomson (1824)
4.15 Julius Robert Mayer (1814-78)
4.16 James Prescott Joule (1818 – 89)
4.17 Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894)
4.18 Percy Bridgman
4.19 Sir James Jeans
4.20 Sir Arthur Eddington
4.21 Henry Smith Williams
4.22 Ernst Mach
4.23 Dampier
4.24 Albert Einstein
4.25 Daniel Herring
4.26 Holton
4.27 Ilya Prigogine
4.28 Jullian Huxely
4.29 Dr. Isaac Asimov
4.30 Milton A. Rothman
4.31 Thanks to MIT Professors
5 Suppression of Innovative Ideas
5.1 Energy Crisis Propaganda
5.2 “Disagreeing With The Dominant View Is Dangerous”-Brian Martin
5.3 The Army of Opponents against Perpetual Motion
5.4 Three Phases of Invention, Ridiculing, Opposition and Acceptance
5.5 Resistance to New Idea
5.6 Previously-Abhorrent Ideas
5.7 Abhorrent Ideas in Transition
5.8 Currently Abhorrent Ideas
5.9 Case of Alexander Graham Bell
5.10 The Case of Wright Brothers
5.11 Laplace and Royal Academy
of Science in Paris Rejects Perpetual motion Patents ,1775
5.12 Rejection of Perpetual motion by Patent Office
5.12 Trade Journal “National Car and Locomotive Builder” 1891 considers Perpetual Motion as a Mechanical
5.13 Patent Office in Washington Demands a Working
Model of Perpetual Motion, 1911
5.14 Three Kinds of Repression of Invention
5.15 Case of Hans Coler
6 Inventor Vs Scientist
Changing Scenario
of Scientific Discovery
6.1 Research Individual and Scientific Discovery
7 Rejection of Innovators
8 The Suppression of Inconvenient Facts in Physics
8.1 The Cold Fusion Scandal
8.2 Transmutation
9 Crucifixion And Resurrection
Of Perpetual
10 Loud Cry of Perpetual Motion Inventor
11 Notes and References
12 Appendices
EEC Series of Books