Comment On Perpetual Motion and Contact Dr. Ramesh Menaria

Moving Towards The End of Energy Crisis
Why to Live with Less Energy?
Exploring Philosophical, Astronomical and Cosmological Foundations of Perpetual Motion in Vedas
Basic Fundamentals of Perpetual Motion
The Suppression of Inventor and Crucifixion of Perpetual Motion
The Mystery of Dynamic Universe:
Truth of Perpetual Motion and Limitations of Science, Exploring Ancient Wisdom
Flaws, Fallacies and Follies in Name of Science, Where Science Went Wrong?
The Story of Mans Hunt For Free Motive Power and Energy Perpetual Motion Retold
Perpetual Motion Retold From Discovery to Innovation. Part II
Councilor Orffyreus. Forgotten Inventor of Perpetual Motion
The Law of Conservation Of Energy A Long Stride on a Wrong Path Part I
The Law of Conservation Of Energy: A Long Stride on a Wrong Path, Part II
Free Energy Revolution, A Brief History of Free Energy
A Treatise on Design of Gravity Perpetual Motion
Energy From Nothing Perpetual Motion Bridges Science Technology and Religion
How Did It Happen? A Brief Story of My Journey of Perpetual Motion
The Loud Cry of A Perpetual Motionist. Is He a Crackpot or genius?
Green Chemistry : Dr. Ramesh Kumar Menaria
Green Chemistry
Postgraduate Department of Chemistry
SGG Govt. College, Banswara
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National Seminar
Paper Presented at National Seminar
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Comment and Contact Me

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All correspondence to menaria_ramesh@yahoo.co.in

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Hopefully, you will agree with my views that you will find in the pages of my EEC series of books but I am also equally aware that you may not agree with me on certain points discussed in these volumes. Before arriving at any definite conclusions to anything published in these books, I shall advise you to do your own research & contribute your own unique creative insights. My views and thoughts contained in these books are mostly anti scientific establishment, non-dogmatic. They contain explorations of ideas largely found in Eastern ancient Wisdom like Vedas etc, as well as my own creative ideas with freedom of thought. According to doctrine of “Syadvada” in Jainism, no truth is final, therefore, never bound yourself to saying this is the only truth. Truth is always plural and that which is plural is not the “absolute truth”!

Dr. Ramesh Menaria's entire EEC series of books with 18 titles fills up more than 7000 pages. Contents and page numbers of EEC series of books are subject to minor changes as all the 18 manuscripts are being edited and reedited until they finally get published by Deva publishers.

NB: This site will go on line long before all possible topics have been treated; please forgive me if you seek information on a given topic and I have no information there yet.

Dr. Ramesh menaria
